Bathymetric and Topographic Survey
Hydrological and terrain modelling of river embankment and adjacent road to support…
Culvert Dilapidation Inspection
Visual inspection and reporting of culvert condition and structural integrity to support…
As-Built Survey of Rail Corridor for Engineering Design
High resolution drone LiDAR, photogrammetry and as-built survey of rail corridor for…
Completing the project lifecycle with As-Built surveys
Returning to sites in Victoria for as-built surveys of completed slope stabilisation…
De-vegetated Photogrammetry Model for Geotechnical Inspection
It is critically important for geotechnical engineers to complete robust inspections and…
LiDAR Survey of Roadside Cuts and Slopes for Stabilisation Designs
Drone-LiDAR derived topographic survey and photogrammetry modelling for slope stabilisation designs PROJECT…
Bridge Inspection and LiDAR derived Geotechnical Assessment of Abutments
Close visual Bridge inspection and LiDAR survey for geotechnical assessment of abutments…
Reality Capture using Photogrammetry for Slope Stabilisation works
Reality capture and Digital survey for slope stabilisation Works As Executed drawings…
Inspection, Survey and Defect Mapping of Dam using Photogrammetry, Thermal IR and Imaging
High resolution inspection and defect mapping over more than 60,000m2 of concrete…
Photogrammetry derived Reality Capture for Boardwalk Design and Geotechnical Assessment
High resolution drone LiDAR survey and Photogrammetry modelling for design of elevated…
LiDAR Survey and Reality Model for Geotechnical Assessment of hillside
High resolution drone LiDAR survey and 3D reality modelling to inform geotechnical…
Geo-Hazard Mapping and Slope Risk Assessment
High resolution Drone-LiDAR survey for slope risk assessment of remote and densely…
LiDAR Survey for Geotechnical Assessment
High resolution Drone LiDAR survey of Illawarra Escarpment for geotechnical assessment and…
Coastal Erosion
A reasearch and development project utilising drone LiDAR and Photogrammetry for coastal…
Dam Defect Mapping
Drone-based inspection, digital defect mapping and precision aerial survey for one of…
Rail Corridor Drainage Mapping
Drone LiDAR survey through dense vegetation to identify and Complete surface drainage…